Happy New Year 2018

Hello 2018! Happy New Year!

Hello Everybody!

Welcome to our first ever blog post. New year new things to explore. So let this be the first! What did you do on new year’s eve? We went out for an early dinner in KL and brave the traffic for quite a bit and made it out back in Subang about 11ish. Our whatsapps are buzzing and a lot of friends (around Subang and Shah Alam) are excited on the abolishment of tolls on Federal Highway.

So we decided to go to the Toll Plaza in Batu Tiga and saw loads of motorists along Petronas waiting to pass thru the plaza after midnight. Here are a snippets of what went on that night. Not the most happening event to be at, but truly a memorable experience. We are sure millions of Federal Highway users kicked start their first morning in 2018 with a big smile on their faces!

Hope 2018 brings everyone joy and happiness to all of us. We particularly love new year as RUANG Event Space started in January. Will share more on the birth of RUANG in another blog post.

Till then!


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