Bazaar Ramadan

8 Stalls to Look for at Ramadan Bazaar in Shah Alam Stadium

Ramadan & bazaar. These are 2 words that commonly go together. There are too many bazaars to choose from and hundreds of stalls to visit at each location. However, for this update we are narrowing it down to just 8 stalls in a massive bazaar close to us which is the ever so famous ‘Bazaar Ramadan Stadium Shah Alam’ . Our staff, Azizah braved the crowd to give us some insights. So here goes!

Warning : Long queues are to be expected if you want a piece of these goodness.

  1. Nasi Itik Kak Lina

Chicken rice or nasi ayam is too main stream. How about Nasi Itik? Nasi Itik Hainan Kak Lina came all the way from Taman Ampangan, Seremban! Their tag line is ‘World Champion’.  Its definitely worth to try especially for duck lovers. The queue was too long for Azizah. Snaps a picture of the stall for our reference and off she goes! Maybe next time.


2. Murtabak Dunia

Murtabak is one of the famous food at any bazaar. But this one is definitely special. Its has 2 stalls in the same bazaar and both are equally packed! The filling is generous making it worth every penny spent . The price is RM3.50 per piece.  Azizah spent close to 15 minutes waiting for her Murtabak Dunia!


3.  Nasi Briyani Ghafur 

This is not your regular nasi briyani. It has various gravy to choose from similar to ‘Nasi Kandar’. All different gravy has different taste and its all so delicious. Portion is generous and you be the judge looking at the queue below. You can find more information on this famous Nasi Briyani at this link here

Nasi Briyani Ghafur

4.  Az & Za Kepak Ayam Madu (Chicken Wings)

Who doesn’t love chicken wings?  Whats special with this one? For one, the size of the chicken wing is relatively large. Obviously the marination of the chicken is marvellous too. Its good to go with rice for iftar or snacking after Taraweeh.


5. Roti John Cheese Meleleh 

Hmmm. There is no need to elaborate further the word ‘Cheese Meleleh’ makes us drool. So, Azizah did queue for this one. Took her about 7-10 minutes to get her roti john. The filling is generous and the over flowing cheese is just umph! It is at RM5 per unit. Cheap, easy fix for your berbuka puasa.


6. Buah Melaka Aqil 

One of the best thing about this stall is that it is freshly made at the bazaar. The size of the buah melaka is identical. Its at RM3 per box for 6 pcs of Buah Melaka. Their tag line is ‘Terlajak Habis’. I guess you have to be early to get your hands on this one!

Buah Melaka Aqil

Sadly, another 2 famous stalls were close when Azizah came to visit this bazaar. They are

7. Teh Ais Madu

8. Murtabak Singapura 

Teh ais madu is somewhat still new in the market which makes them popular at the moment and murtabak Singapore does not need any introduction. The size is massive and one can easily identify if its the regular murtabak or murtabak Singapore.

Ok so there you go. We do hope this write up is helpful for you to have a decent berbuka puasa with your family and friends. Many thanks to Azizah for the pictures and the strength to brave thru crowd for this write up. We also would like to take this opportunity to wish all muslim friends Selamat Berbuka Puasa !

P/S : We are currently running a contest to giveaway our Raya Packet on our instagram (@ruangeventspace) . Stand a chance to win our Raya Packets with Duit Raya! Check us out on Instagram and participate ok?








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