GE14 Blog 1

8 Things You Need to Know Before Voting

Hello Hello,

We know, we know its odd for RUANG to talk about the coming general election. Its totally out of topic and has nothing to do with events. BUT! We do know we have many young followers that are still clueless, or even just simply forgotten how its done (maklumlah sel- sel otak sometimes tak berhubung). So here are the ‘What you need to know before #GE14’.

GE14Buang Undi

Souce : Astro Awani

  1. Check Your Registration

Check your details and it all can be done here at the link below. Enter your ic number and press ‘SEMAK’. Just follow instructions at this link  After doing so, voila! you will be able to know your details like venue, etc. Ensure the details provided has your correct information.


Credit :

2.  What to Wear

Please be careful of the color of your tshirts. Avoid  biru muda, merah, biru tua. Remember to just to go with a clothing that does not represent any party. Refer picture below.


Image Credit : BHPlus

3.  Car Pool

Share your ride. Its going to be congested if everyone drives to the centre. It could be like a mini reunion too! Its when most of us balik kampung. A good change to catch up too or what kids nowadays call it. Membawang.


Lets membawang! Credit :

4. Say No To Any Form of Baiting For Your Vote

There will be people who will bait you with monetary/material things in order to support them. Please be a responsible voter and stand firm on what you believe in. Tell them to go away. Shuuhhhhhh



5.  Bring Original Identification Card.

Don’t come with wallet full of receipts and pictures of your children. Make sure you have your IC with you. No fake IDs please!

6.  Know your ‘Saluran’

Again, to avoid congestion, check your ‘Saluran’.  By having this, the elderly, needy won’t have to wait and queue too long. Each channel at the centres, SPR has capped to 700 voters. Saluran 1 is for the elderly and priority will be given to OKUs and pregnant women.

7. Ensure Your Ballot Paper is Clean

Having stained paper will possibly cause your vote to be spoiled and no longer usable. You don’t want to waste your vote especially after that long queue!

8. Mark ‘X’ at Your Preferred Party (Only ‘X’)

Now its not the time to creative with your doodle. No other signs like #, *, ^, @, just plain old ‘X’ ok?

Lastly, when you cast your vote, remember. This is for our future for all of us Malaysians. I have a pantun for you.

Pak Pandir Di Marah Bini

Jom Kita Pergi Mengundi!

Happy Voting Everyone!




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